This new Mirage update delights Assassin’s Creed players

This new Mirage update: Has Assassin’s Creed Mirage fallen out of your hands? Well maybe this update that is delighting players will change everything! Since its release on October 5, Assassin’s Creed Mirage continues to improve. The Ubisoft Bordeaux teams work hard to provide constant monitoring with frequent updates.
At the beginning of November, version 1.0.5 was released following feedback from numerous players. It is the latter who are at the origin of the small fixes proposed, from the possibility of deactivating chromatic aberration to not having any background sound during the call to prayer (the Adhan). Some bugs were also fixed on this occasion.
And then there is of course the quest The Forty Thieves (originally thought of as a pre-order bonus) which has been made available to all players. And that was only the beginning ! Another update came out a few days ago, and not the least.
Version 1.0.6 indeed brings an expected mode: New Game+ mode. Note that the latter also suggests that you skip the prologue to directly begin this new adventure in Baghdad. Starting a New Game+ game will also allow you to unlock Bayed’s Medjay outfit (Assassin’s Creed Origins). For the rest, there are numerous small bug fixes. You can find the details of this update here. Because today we are going to focus on one point of this update in particular: improving parkour.
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